12 Tips for Dealing with People in Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is a real issue. How do you deal with people suffering from chronic pain? Chronic pain is not a fun thing. In fact, anything with the word ‘chronic’ in front of it...

I’m Not Dead: The Loneliness of Invisible Chronic Illness + Pain
Do you suffer with invisible chronic illness and pain + feel that nobody understands? In the classic comedy movie Monty Python and the Holy Graille, there is a scene where the local Dead Collector...

Tips to Help Understand Someone Living with Chronic Illness
People living with chronic illness lead a difficult life. It’s made more bearable if the people they love surround them with understanding and support Those who live with chronic illness and pain know...

4 Tips to Help Manage Chronic Pain During the Holiday Season
Do you manage chronic pain during the Christmas season or does it manage you? Chronic pain doesn’t take a Christmas vacation, but it’s that time of year when the hustle and bustle starts...

Types of Chronic Pain
There are many varieties and types of chronic pain One of the first steps in diagnosing chronic pain and and different types of chronic pain issues is understanding the various of types of pain...
You Know You Have a Chronic Illness When…
Let’s face it. . . chronic illness can have its humorous moments if we look for them. Feel free to add yours below in the comments. We’d love to giggle along with you! Some...
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