We welcome you to take some time to read these faith and chronic illness articles
We’re all on a journey through life and sometimes there are a few curves and twists in the road. These posts are about our personal journey through faith and chronic illness. My hope is that some of these help those who are struggling with the why. These posts are from various times in our journey and may be a little bit older, but I think they’re still relevant for those suffering with chronic illness and pain issues. Remember, Jesus is there to help and be a crutch when you feel hopeless. There have been many sleepless nights that I’ve had to lean on Him to help me through. I hope you get some encouragement by reading some of these articles on faith and chronic illness.

Jesus Knows When You Feel Like You’ve Had Enough
What is your story about your faith and chronic illness? Living with any type of chronic illness, whether lupus, fibromyalgia, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome or chronic pain, is a challenge. It’s not only a...

I’m Not Dead: The Loneliness of Invisible Chronic Illness + Pain
Do you suffer with invisible chronic illness and pain + feel that nobody understands? In the classic comedy movie Monty Python and the Holy Graille, there is a scene where the local Dead Collector...

My wife is a flower: Living with chronic illness and pain
The entire family needs to support those living with chronic illness and pain We’ve all had a little bump or bruise at one time or another – bonked our knee on a coffee table...

When do you say ‘uncle’ when dealing with chronic illness and pain?
Does your faith and chronic illness define you? It has been a little while since I’ve written a post, and that’s not because nothing was happening in our life. Sometimes a break is needed...

Living with Invisible Chronic Illness is Like Running Through Porridge
There’s always hope when coping with the realities of invisible chronic illness and pain I’m sure we’ve all had the dream, or a variation of, where we are trying to run away from something...

Shhhh… Don’t Tell Anyone You’re Sick
Do you feel hopeless as you deal with your chronic illness and pain? Do you feel like a second class citizen? There has been a phenomenon, particularly for those who suffer with invisible chronic...

I’m Thankful that my Mommy is Still Alive
How does your chronic illness affect your children? Please read this post to see how we dealt with the reality of this pain. People who live with chronic illness and pain have to deal...

Living with Chronic Illness and Pain is like Having a Baby
How do you tell someone else what it’s like to live with a chronic illness? It’s much like having a baby – you have to experience it first. Those of us who have been...
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