provides a support forum from a Christian perspective for women who suffer from chronic illness and pain. We also offer articles on faith and chronic illness and pray that you will find some help from this site. Please feel free to drop us a line at any time and we’d love to chat!

Natural Fibromyalgia Treatment
Did you know that you can have a natural fibromyalgia treatment that can help you overcome the symptoms of fibromyalgia safely and naturally? You can discover the truth about what fibromyalgia really is and...

Sugar in your diet – how much are you eating?
Is there sugar in your diet? Even if you think you’re being careful, there is evidence that we’re eating far too much sugar daily. How much sugar do you have in your diet? Are...

12 Tips for Dealing with People in Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is a real issue. How do you deal with people suffering from chronic pain? Chronic pain is not a fun thing. In fact, anything with the word ‘chronic’ in front of it...

Jesus Knows When You Feel Like You’ve Had Enough
What is your story about your faith and chronic illness? Living with any type of chronic illness, whether lupus, fibromyalgia, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome or chronic pain, is a challenge. It’s not only a...

7 Interesting Facts About Sleep and Fibromyalgia
Sleep and fibromyalgia go hand in hand and sleep issues are a primary symptom of fibromyalgia. Those who suffer from fibromyalgia are almost always challenged by not having a good night’s sleep. Based on...

Food and Inflammation: Is Your Diet Keeping You in Pain?
Is there a connection between food and inflammation in your body? Is your diet and the food you are eating keeping you in pain? Are you always feeling horrible and simply can’t figure out...

Top 3 Fibromyalgia Exercise Tips
These fibromyalgia exercise tips are sure to push your limits but also help you in the long run So, you have fibromyalgia and, coupled with the pain, you feel that you’ll never get...

5 Foods your Fibromyalgia Diet Should Avoid
It may be time to reconsider what’s in your fibromyalgia diet. Lifestyle management and healthy food in your fibromyalgia diet can have an enormous affect on your symptoms. One of the primary strategies...
Do you have a positive story about your struggle with chronic illness and pain? Have you or your family suffered from your chronic illness? Have you battled and won against depression in your fight against pain? Would you be willing to share your journey with others on how you cope with your daily struggle? We’re looking for testimonials we can feature on our site for others to be encouraged by those who’ve battled through chronic pain and illness like fibromyalgia, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraine headaches and other conditions. Please drop us a line by filling out our short form on our contact page. We’d love to hear from you!
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